Enhancing Performance Coaching with Dr. Keith M. Waggoner’s 40 Hz Binaural Beats practices

Practice every morning listening to the video in it’s entirety while actively focusing on your top 3 Goals. Read them out loud (write them down ahead of time and sign your name to them). Or instead of Goals, these can be the top 3 things you are Grateful For.

Enhancing Performance Coaching with Dr. Keith M. Waggoner’s 40 Hz Binaural Beats practices Read More »


Why did Alexander the Great weep???

Why did Alexander the Great Weep? In my research this morning… I’ve been thinking about the standard answer to why he wept… because “There were no more worlds to conquer.” I’ve called this “Alexander the Great Syndrome.” Its the idea of the sorrow an over achiever feels when they believe they’re at the very pinnacle

Why did Alexander the Great weep??? Read More »

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